I would like to give my thoughts on a few questions that I received from an earlier mentoring post.
"I'd appreciate thoughts on how bar associations like NYCLA might help on the mentoring front. Would senior lawyers, including retired and semi-retired lawyers, be willing to participate? Is there a way that at least some CLE credit could be offered to both mentors and mentees for a well-structured program?"
Having retired/semi-retired lawyers in a formal mentoring program would be an amazing resource for young lawyers, for obvious reasons. I think it would be more difficult to get older lawyers on board. The benefits for older lawyers that I can think of: interest enriching the profession with their wisdom, and keeping up with the profession through a young blood, may not be enough to interest retiring lawyers, who might rather be playing golf or learning how to play the piano.
I would love to hear from older lawyers in particular who can think of reason why mentoring young attorneys is attractive to them.
CLE credits might be a way to attract more interest (though I am not sure how CLE credit programs are structured) and there definitely is professional development value in a mentoring program not only for the young attorneys, but also for older lawyers -- to keep them on their toes.
It is worth looking into. If anyone has any information in this regard, please pass it along to me.