The Task Force on Professionalism's Pilot Mentoring Program is being unveiled.
After months of organizing and negotiating how the program will work and best practices; contacting mentors and a difficult selection process of many fine applicants for mentees; and preparing training materials, making final adjustments and last minute trouble shooting, NYCLA and the Task Force on Professionalism are thrilled to be hosting the kick-off party to start the first year of the Pilot Mentoring Program.
Through its surveys and analysis, the Task Force recognized a real need for mentoring amongst New York legal professionals. The mentoring program hopes to fill that need for NYCLA members.
I plan on following the progress of the Mentoring Program through this blog in order to support the Program in two ways: (1) to generate comments on the effectiveness of the Mentoring Program during this first, very crucial year. We would like to get the benefit of suggestions from NYCLA members who are participating in the Program (and those who are not participating, but still have suggestions) in order to work out any kinks and strengthen the Program; and (2) to generate interest in the Program in order to make this a sustainable, perennial Program.
The need for mentoring in the New York legal community is undeniable. Through the NYCLA's Mentoring Program we hope to advance confident lawyers to be more satisfied in their profession.