Sunday, December 18, 2011

Feeling Unprepared

The results of the latest survey demonstrate that 85% of our respondents feel as though their law school education did not prepare them for private practice.

Navigating office politics, understanding the relevance of the billable hour, learning the cost and value of legal services -- none of these essential issues involved in private practice success were ever addressed in my law school education. Were they in yours?

Beyond practice skills, taught in clinics and legal writing, practical private practice skills need to be addressed in law schools. We can't pretend that the law is a purely academic endeavor.

On an unrelated note, we have been experiencing an uptick in readers and survey takers. (Take a look at the bottom left hand column, we are at nearly 13,000 page views!) I want to thank you all for taking the time to read and cast your votes. You can follow this blog and receive post updates by email by signing up on the NEW FEATURES in the bottom right column.