Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Observations on the topic of professionalism

I read a great article the other day; following is one of the many choice quotes:

"Lawyers in top management positions sometimes seem befuddled, if not irritated, when professionalism is mentioned at all. At times it is dismissed as an antiquated notion out of the annals of nineteenth century fin de siecle novels. Even if acknowleged, it seems at times to get pawned off on half-baked programs devoted to such flinty notions as 'mentoring' or 'inns of court' or special committees on 'collegiality' and law firm life, things to add to the practice of law, not integral to it."

credit for the quote goes to Robert E. Shapiro, Advance Sheet, Litigation, Vol. 34 No. 2 (Winter 2008).

What do YOU think? agree or not?
let the law world know by hitting the Comments button. . . .

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