Friday, June 6, 2008

Critique of the Definition -- Second paragraph

(If you don't have the draft definition of professionalism fresh in your mind --and why not? -- scroll down to the bottom of the blog, I posted it there.)

Most of the second paragraph of the Definition of Professionalism is relatively uncontroversial, except the third sentence; we'll look at each in turn.

I agree that attorneys have the responsibility to develop their skills and practice diligently in applying those skills on behalf of their clients. We all know the law is evolving, developing one's skills doesn't end after practicing for 5, 10, even 45 years. Applying those skills with diligence is equally important because we are entrusted by our clients in issues of utmost importance that they are not able to handle on their own.

Now, on to the third sentence, I will keep it short- anyone want to comment on churning fees? Feel free to click the "Comments" link below.

Finally, what is left to say about zealous advocacy that you haven't already heard. I guess the last sentence is a reminder to temper it with knowing when to settle.
I complain that the definition is too long, but it does give me lots of fodder. Stay tuned for a critique of the third and final paragraph.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find in criminal cases sometimes that in order to be a zealous advocate I "drink the kool-aid" so to speak, so that my arguments and presentation on his or her behalf have sincerity. The trick is to retain the ability to objectively assess the facts and arguments, and that is very hard.

Good work on the blog. One thing maybe is that the ALLCAPS presentation of the definition makes it hard to read. Although it does give it that "handed down from Moses" look, and so that's kinda cool.